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Lava FC
SKU: Lava FC -Blue



This is the latest version of RGB-NES


1: The latest compilation and revision of FPGA code, optimize the stability of the machine and the compatibility of the tape is also greatly improved!

2: RGBS&S-video&Composite video output through Saturn Mini-Din10 port

3: Composite&Audio output through RCA port

3: Power switch and reset switch 

4:15KHZ(240p)output- Saturn Mini-Din10 port&RCA port

5: Digital output on 1280*720 (Classic lite version do not have HDMI output)

6: Orignal FAMICOM card、N8&N8PRO card Supported

7: Improve the sound outputs

8: 9-12V DC power in

9:Replaceable CPU&PPU,the CPU&PPU models supported are listed below

      CPU: RP2A03E,RP2A03G,RP2A03H

      PPU: RP2C02E,RP2C02G,RP2C02H

10:NES controllers Classic NES controller

Operation guide

Lava FC switch the color palette, switch the scan line, upgrade the firmware, etc. All use the controller key combination to switch.

Considering that it may conflict with other peripherals, such as the N8 card, hold down the select+start buttons of the 1P controller for about 5 seconds, and then:

1. Press up to switch the color palette.

2. Press the down key to switch scanning lines.

3. Press the right key to switch between proportional zoom and full screen 

4.Press the left key to upgrade the firmware

5.Press B to view the firmware version

Color palette description:

The default color palette is Fceux, NTSC, PC10, and YUV

Scan line description:

The scan line supports three intensities: 25%, 50%, and 75%. Screen scale switching instructions:

The original resolution of FC is about 4:3, and many modern LCD monitors are 16:9 or other ratios, Lava FC supports raw resolution proportional scaling or full-screen mode

Firmware upgrade Description:

Firmware Download link:  Lava-FC

Lava FC uses an SD card to upgrade the firmware as follows:

1. Format the SD card to FAT32 format (not required, Recommended formatting,Lava FC currently does not have a file system, can only search the firmware file in all sectors of the entire SD card, if not formatted upgrade takes a long time, after testing 4G SD without formatting takes nearly 20 minutes to complete, with the increase of SD card capacity requires a significant increase in time, after formatting only takes 30 seconds).

2. Copy the firmware file to the SD card

3. Insert the SD card when Lava FC is shut down

4.Lava FC starts and runs a random game.

5. Hold down select+start buttons for about 5 seconds, and press the left button. The green LED next to the HDMI port starts to blink

6. Wait for...

7. The LED near the HDMI interface is long bright, indicating that the firmware upgrade is successful, and the LED is not bright, indicating that the upgrade fails. The reasons for the failure are :(1) the SD card is not in FAT32 format, at this time, it needs to be formatted into FAT32,(2) the SD card is too large in capacity, too many files, Lava FC cannot search the firmware, change the capacity small or try again after formatting.

8. Regardless of success or failure, Lava FC needs to be switched on and off again

Note :Lava FC defaults to two sets of firmware, one set of gold bitstream and one set of user bitstream. If flashing fails or for other reasons the user bitstream is destroyed, the golden bitstream will be started, and the user only needs to download the latest version of Lava FC firmware to flash again. This mechanism can ensure that as long as the chip is not bad, it can flash the firmware arbitrarily and never become brick.

Technical characteristics:

0.MIC29150: LDO voltage conversion chip produced by American Microchip, which can stably output 5V voltage and maximum output current of 1.5A. Compared with switching power supply chips or USB interface power supply has stronger anti-interference ability and better stability, but the disadvantage is that it is expensive and generates heat.

1.RP2A03: FC/NES game console CPU.

2.RP2C02: PPU for FC/NES game console.

3.74LS139: Decoder for FC/NES game console.

4.6264: CPU memory of FC/NES game console.

5.6264: PPU memory of FC/NES game console.

6.74LS373: PPU address latch of FC/NES game console.

7.74HC368: Reverse buffer for FC/NES game console.

8.74HC368: Reverse buffer for FC/NES game console.

9.21.47727Mhz active crystal oscillator: Equivalent to the crystal oscillator circuit of FC/NES game consoles, the active crystal oscillator is more stable and the clock signal quality is better.

10.PGL12G-6CLPG144: FPGA chip produced by Unisoc, used for:(1). Monitor and modify the communication data between the FC's CPU and PPU, activate the master-slave mode of the PPU and let the PPU output the digital signal of the native image from the four pins ext0-3;(2). Re-encode the native image output by ext0-3 into a low-resolution RGB888 signal;(3). Re-encode the native image output by ext0-3 into an HDMI signal.

11.BH7240: Video encoder, inputs RGB888 digital signal, and can output three analog signals of RGBS, S-Video, and CVBS (AV) at the same time.

12.TLV3502: 4.5ns high-speed inverting comparator, used to separate blanking and ext4 signals.

13.SGM8051: Video amplifier.

14.LMV7219M5X: 7ns high-speed inverting comparator, used to separate synchronization signals.

15. PCM1808: It can sample the analog audio signal into a digital audio signal, and then enter it into the FPGA through the I2S protocol and merge it into the HDMI audio.

16.12.288Mhz crystal oscillator: Provides a clock for PCM1808. Compared with the clock divided by the FPGA's PLL, the external clock has better clock quality.

17.27Mhz: The main clock of FPGA, the pixel clock of HDMI is based on this clock as the clock source and then comes out from the PLL.

18.W25Q64: Used to store FPGA firmware and user-saved configuration data.

19.TPS7A7001: LDO type programmable voltage drop chip, which can output different voltages with different resistors. Compared with the cheap AMS1117, it has better performance. The output voltage here is 3.3V.

20.TPS7A7001: LDO type programmable voltage drop chip, which can output different voltages with different resistors. Compared with the cheap AMS1117, it has better performance. The output voltage here is 1.1V.

21. SN74LVC541APW: Level conversion chip, the FC system uses 5V level, and the FPGA system uses 3.3V level. Without level conversion, the FPGA is forcibly linked to the FC. Although it can also run on 5V devices such as CPUs, the stability, cassette compatibility, and device life will be greatly reduced.

22.SN74LVC4245APWR: Level conversion chip, the purpose is the same as above.

23.SN74LVC541APW: Same as above.

24.SN74LVC4245APWR: Same as above.

25.DB307: Rectifier bridge, realizing power output regardless of positive and negative poles.

26.TDA1308: Audio op amp chip produced by Philips.

27.AZ1045-04F.R7G: HDMI interface anti-static protection chip.

28.AZ1045-04F.R7G: Same as above.