MiSTer FPGA Singe Sdram IO Board (Saturn 2023 Version)

6 Sold
Saturn IO Broad
SKU: Saturn IO-B

What is MiSTer FPGA?

Introduce Videos:

Retro Castle MiSTer FPGA Kits by RetroRGB

Unboxing Video by Zez Retro

Unboxing e primeiros testes do MiSTer FPGA da loja 'RetroCastle Store'


Special thanks to those people who helped with the design:


Kuro Houou: Digital to Analog Video Convertors for Retro Gaming

MikeS11: MikeS11 · GitHub

RetroRGB:RetroRGB |

wizzo: wizzomafizzo (Callan Barrett) · GitHub

Everything you need to get started on your MiSTer FPGA journey! With the custom RetroCastle IO board and case, you won’t find a more compact and feature-filled MiSTer anywhere else. Fully compatible with the official MiSTer ecosystem. This is the Single Sdram VGA analog output version, see the Saturn version for an enhanced analog output option.

Our IO board has been independently verified as the highest quality DAC on the market. See for yourself!

Why a RetroCastle Full Kit?

·                 Tiny form factor at only 35mm tall (approx. 1.4in).

·        Competitive pricing on all parts.

·        Proven quality components with designs made by and for enthusiasts.

·        Type-C USB power input compatible with most standard USB C chargers and cables.

·        Built in 4 port USB hub plus standard MiSTer user IO (SNAC) port.

·        Power on/off button on the case.

·        Surge protection circuit for whole device (replacement fuse included).

·        Integrated YC S-video/composite output circuit.( Saturn version  only

Singe Sdram IO Board 2023 Version Kit includes:

·        RetroCastle Singe Sdram IO Board (2023 Version Version)

·        MicroUSB bridge

·        All required screws and standoffs

·        DC barrel jack to USB C adapter (compatible with DE10-Nano power adapter)  

·        Acrylic OR Aluminum case (optional)

·        Fan cooler OR heatsink (optional)

Addons available:

           RTC module

     MisTer FPGA YC Active adapter

     General VGA(15khz) to composite&S-video adapter

      Replacement MicroUSB bridge&Screws

      Replacement fan and heatsink

      Passive cooling heatsink (aluminum case only)

      Replacement fuses

      Feet pads (aluminum or rubber)

      SNAC adapters

      I2S module (Single Sdram IO broad only)

           Sega saturn video cable (Saturn IO broad only)

Care information:

·        The USB C port is the only port required to power your MiSTer. Do not plug in both the USB C cable and barrel jack power adapter!!!

·   Do not use USB C cable or adapters that force voltages besides 5V, they may damage the board. These are uncommon but can look like USB C cables with larger plastic squares attached and may be labelled as PD/QC trap adapters.

·   The red DIP switches on the side of the case are used for configuring analog output. Please see the MiSTer FPGA CRT article for instructions on setting up your MiSTer for CRT output, and the documentation below.


1 ON--RGBS output with the MisTer.ini file set as follow

1/2/4 ON--Compoite&Svideo output with the MisTer.ini file set as follow