MisTer FPGA YC Active adapter

13 Sold
YC Active adapter

MisTer FPGA  YC Active adapter

Only used with the MisTer IO broad

Used for YC cores

 Special Thanks:

This YC active adapter was designed by Mike'S,youcan see more details here

GitHub - MikeS11/MiSTerFPGA_YC_Encoder: All work releated to the YC / NTSC & PAL Encoder for MiSTerFPGA

the case was designed byMidoriDesutoi,you can print it by yourself,here is the page:

I made 3d printable cases for video adapters from UltimateMister and Retrocastle : fpgagaming (reddit.com) Case for the active Y/C adapter by Retrocastle for the Mister FPGA by Midori | Download free STL model | Printables.com